Interior Design
What is the meaning of "interior designer" and what do we do?
our goal is to reach the perfect solution for the client's needs, for example: people who are dissable we plan the space
specificly for their needs to ubtain normal life, of course the home style desing is specificly the way they emagine and we make solutions for their needs. space needs not only "beauty" it needs functionality, ability to live in it and than comes the home style, the favorite part of every one, but the most complicated part. It is very hard to mach the things you want because there are so many options it confuses the client and they don't know exactly how to make things and match them togeather...and here we come to make the order and mach the complite puzzle.
what is the difference between interior design and home styling?
Interior design allows changing spaces, breaking walls, building additions and selecting complementary items.
home styling applies only accessories house, such as painting, furnitures, art, lightning etc. It does not include changing rooms and breaking walls.
Why use interior desingn services to design instead of making it on your own?
Knowledge, experience, sensitivity vision, innovation, freshness and creativity invested to give you a final product finished. Open thinking, intelligent planning, vision, creating a harmony of design, saving time and reducing costs by companies we work with them.
Are we accompanied clients choosing complementary items, finish materials and sanitary ware?
Yes. Design concept allows home furnishings and equipment accessories that create a sense of all the complex details which have been carefully selected and create a space designed, unified and harmonious.